Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Finally the silent stagnancy phase of life, which was bothering few weeks back has vanished with such a tragic unimaginable happening…. And it has to be the demise of our so nice innocent and good friend !!!! GOD…..WHY?????

GOD…Why can’t you tolerate innocent and nice people on earth? Why do you always need good people around you? You have the power with you to take away anyone, anytime you wish.... Does that mean you will take away the only child of the parents whom they had nurtured and brought up for 23 long years!!!

If everything you do is good for mankind, then why don’t you clear the reason for your this choice? Why you want to remain mysterious by all these deeds? What good reason was there to take away a single child, single brother of his sisters and only son of the family?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Dont know why sometimes life becomes stagnant, Stagnant life seems like a still ocean..which never ends ,never moves, never breaths. Is there any specific reason for this motionless periods of our life which recycles in our life after certain intervals ? What really this periods try to teach us?

Let me try to console myself by analyzing this by few reasons, which may be true or may not be..

  • Sometimes we run towards some targets assuming it as our goal / aim.But may be actually due to some of our confused decision of life we start believing it as our goal. And then after a long run our life becomes stagnant just to stop us to give it a thought.
  • Or may be we are on the right path, but due to the intense urge to reach our goal, we stop giving time to our own self, our soul, our existence and then our inner self stops and knocks us to make us realize its presence.
  • Or may be this stagnancy has nothing to do with our wrong or right path..Its just an indication to do something more out of explore ourselves more, which we usually or always neglect in our daily routine life.
  • Or is it something else? The intense silence before a devastating cyclone.
But whatever may be the reason for this stagnancy its very difficult to find out the right and actual reason. Can someone help me please?