Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Surprise Birthday Party

2nd September 2006. We were planning for the preparation of next day’s celebration. We includes me, my sister Twinkle and few of her close friends who were part of every small or big happenings of our house.

Now let us see what we all were planning for... 3rd September happens to be birthday of Pralay. And we all were planning for a small surprise party for him. The plan was some what like this….. We all would wish him happy birthday sharp at 12 at night. But no one will give any gift, when we would meet him next day. Then in the afternoon, I would take him out for regular shopping and return home around 6 p.m. By this time Twinkle and her friends would decorate our living room with balloons, colorful glittering ribbons and other decorative items. There would be one large red balloon hanging on at the center of the room filled with glittered dust and few small chocolates, which would be blasted at the time of cake cutting. A nice cake would be arranged wishing him happy birthday. And when we would return back in the evening, I would bring him at our home for this surprise. As instructed Twinkle would open the door. The room would be dark. And as we enter and switch on the lights, the whole crowd, who would be hiding in the dark before opening the door would scream together wishing him happy birthday. And then the usual process of cutting cake and celebration would start.

Though it was a very usual and an ordinary surprise birthday party, but isn’t it a beautiful planning for the one who didn’t expect it at all? Now let us see how it was executed… We all wished him “Happy Birthday” at the midnight. Next day though he expected some gift specially from me, but didn’t find any. Bit offended, but couldn’t show up the disappointment. As planned we went out for shopping in the afternoon. As he expected I bought a shirt and a belt for him which he thought was his gift for the very day. Then to kill more time (because I was to reach home not before 6 p.m.) we sat down in the small café of CCD, which was arranged there for tired customers while shopping. Then went to Oxford gallery and then roamed around here and there in the market. Then assuming jam on the road (which is quiet obvious on the roads of Kolkata), I started for home with him.

The blunders started now onwards…. We didn’t find any jam on the road and we reached early in our area. On reaching to our area I managed to make some distance from Pralay and called up Twinkle. As she picked up the call I could hear lots of noise of her friends at the backend and came to know that we can arrive there after 15 minutes, as they were not over with the decorations yet. By this time dad was back home and he had also lend his hand with them. I had to take Pralay to a nearby cosmetics shop to spend another 15 minutes and had to spend some money uselessly. Then after 15 minutes we reached home, as Pralay was very tired and I was not able to convince him anymore to stay out, though I was quiet sure that the group out there would not be over with their work and Pralay would easily guess something was on there.

When we reached home, the happenings were as under….

1. There was whole lot of noise coming out from the house which made very clear to Pralay that something was going on inside.
2. We had to wait for 10 minutes outside the house listening to all those dangerous noise (dangerous because we heard something or someone fell down followed by a scream)
3. Before opening the door they switched off the lights, which was from the ventilator and they all were screaming on each other to keep quiet as they were hiding themselves in the dark room.

4. When Twinkle opened the door and she looked exhaust (because she was the one who fell down from the tool while placing a bunch of balloons)

5. As planned they all screamed wishing Happy Birthday to Pralay, which was no more a surprise then.

Every one started laughing as we settled down on the sofa. Pralay said he had expected the arrangement of cake but not the decorations which provided little consolation on our failure of the execution of plan. Sumit (a friend of Twinkle) found a beautiful candle which was a plastic lotus with closed petals and would play the music of birthday song as the candle gets lightened. There was an ‘Agarbatti’ given with the candle, which all of us had ignored. Then the celebration started followed by the next blunders….

6. Sumit tried to light the lotus candle with another ordinary candle but it didn’t respond and maintained its own high standard of being different. Then some more people present in the room tried to lighten the candle in their own ways by matchsticks, lighter and all and rest of them carried on with their suggestions. But every time it ignored all our efforts. Then few of us noticed the “Agarbatti” and thought it may have some importance and we should give a try with it. Sumit lighted the “Agarbatti” and handed over to me, which I placed at the centre of the closed petals of lotus and then all of a sudden a colorful fountain of fire came out from it which made me and some friends close to me scream out due to the sudden explosion. Then the petals of the lotus opened slowly and the beautiful soft music of “Happy Birthday to you” kept playing from somewhere inside it with tiny pink candles on each petal which were lightened at the time of the explosion.

7. After so much stress of lighting the candle we proceeded to cake cutting ceremony, when suddenly someone among us reminded us about the balloon which was to be blasted. Sumit arranged a needle tried to blast it, but the needle went inside the balloon very smoothly and air started to leak from it. Then Diwakar and Jonny (2 more friends of sister) tried it again and again leaking the balloon more and more. Every time the balloon smiled at all of us and its size went on decreasing slowly. Now Pralay came into action and held his hand up with a lighted candle at the bottom of the balloon and yet the balloon denied to blast. Finally Dad asked Sumit to press it with hands and blast it and as Sumit did that, all the glittered dust with chocolates fell on him (little bit scattered on nearby people) and the dust was stuck on his sweated face and hands which he tried to transfer on others by rubbing his hands on others.
8. Then the cake was cut and rest of the celebration was smoothly completed by applying chocolates on each other’s faces and followed by enjoying other snacks arranged for the very day.

So this was surprise birthday party for Pralay, but turned out to be surprise party for all of us. Though things were not placed according to the plan, but the way it had been placed, brought more colors to the celebration. Never saw dad laughing like this before and we all were on the verge of heart attack due to the laughter created by all those blunders and we all had ache in our stomachs. The party turned out to be more enjoyable than it was expected and became memorable for all of us. As per Pralay it was his best Birthday celebration ever till date and that very feel of his brought the true success of the party.


  1. u should think to write a book...u r a wonderful writer...excellent narration...pralay ko bhi padwa do :)

  2. i knew nothing about all dis b4. thnx 2 ur blog dat i am aware of all d antiques of d day of 'd blundered suprise b'day party'. i must say ,awesome narration!!

  3. .....Very neat narration and it brings back memories of the surprise parties we have given to each other. All the time, the person whose surprise Bday Party it is pretend that It is actually a surprise for him / her
